Ever wondered why most of us (around 97%) are employed today, working for may be multi-nationals and other smaller business houses and we hold great pride in that too?
The answer goes back to centuries of traditional beliefs and thought process which have contributed to this disparity in proportions. Although the concept of entrepreneurship is as old as time memorial, the idea of security and contentment that a job provides took precedence, as it is in human nature to have various kinds of security including financial security.
However, today things are changing although this may not make a remarkable difference in proportions, but definitely will contribute in changing mind sets with the reduced security that jobs have to offer these days. Business definitely is the way to go ahead, as there is a huge scope that the markets today provide for entrepreneurs, with even governments these days providing various incentives to small businesses that generate employment and revenue for the state.
When we think of business, the first thing that comes to our mind is a big investment and many other negatives such as government policies, corruption etc. However, most small business could be started with meager investments or at times with no investments at all.
What you mainly should be focusing on, is the sector you wish to cater to with your service or product and who are your target audience. In this way you would know how to proceed and what it would take to initiate the business. The main reason why people do not venture into business is the lack of understanding of what a business means. For a common man business means selling of products, while the true meaning of business is much more than just that.
Business in it's true sense means, the trading of resources such as goods and services and or talents which are abundant with one, to the one that lacks it. Business can be associated with almost anything that we do or use in life. Therefore, the purview of business is much huge than what we as common people imagine. My idea in writing this article is to enlighten you on the concept of business and how easy it is to imagine something and eventually execute it.
Business means freedom and freedom brings along many advantages in life, with reduced worries and commitments and obviously more time with your loved ones when business is conducted in the right manner. All you need is an understanding and a bit of research or study, for which you could also choose your mentor if you please, who could guide you and make you understand where to get started.
I wish you good luck in your pursuit !
Brian Mario Fernandes