Sunday, 14 June 2015

Why Do People Fail In Online Businesses?

Well today we shall discuss about the main reason why most people fail in Online Businesses. What do you think is the main factor or factors that lead to people failing in Online businesses. The answer is simpler than we think.
Imagine yourself travelling by an aircraft and you learn that you had a 99 percent chance of reaching your destination safely. Would you take that chance? The answer is a resounding “NO” and almost everyone I am sure would agree to that.
Then why is it that we choose to travel by the airplane or imagine yourself at crossroads on a cliff and suddenly out of nowhere a native arrives and shows you the way. Would you go by your instincts or follow the directions given by the native? Am sure it would be the latter.
Similarly in an “Online Business” what is that important factor among others that makes you “A Success Or Failure”? The answer is the “Trust” factor. They simply do not know you, nor do they know what a particular business is all about until and unless you build that trust factor with them.
The best way to build the trust factor in most cases is to talk to them and there are multiple ways to do that depending on their demography and geographic location. Although personal face to face talk with the concerned would be most ideal, the increasing use of internet as a cost and time effective way to communicate is becoming the order of the day and there is nothing wrong in that.
There are various way of communicating effectively online as described “Here
Although there are other reasons for people failing in online businesses such as many online scammers and sites that are Pyramid schemes etc, the most important factor according to me is the “Trust Factor”
Brian Mario Fernandes

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